Harness the Power of the Web
Did you know thousands of titles are at your fingertips from home or anywhere? You can learn how to browse, checkout and download digital books and more from the Massillon Library Web Site. We offer eBooks, audio books, music and video through the Ohio e-Book Project (OEP). As of September 2010, over 34,000 library patrons like you have enjoyed the Ohio e-Book Project holdings. The OEP is a consortium of 37 libraries that pool their resources to collectively purchase downloadable audio books and eBooks for use by library patrons right from their home computers and portable devices.
Let's take a closer look. What is an eBook you may ask? An eBook is made of text and images. It's a digital book, magazine or graphic novel that can read on a computer or portable device. How about an audio book? An audio book is a book you listen to. It's a recorded reading by a narrator or cast of actors and can also be enjoyed on a computer or portable device.
All you need to get started is an internet connection and a Massillon Library card. First start by checking to see if your device is supported by going to our web site http://www.massillonlibrary.org/, open the Books and Reading tab, click on Digital Books and then click on the Overdrive icon. Unfortunately not all devices are supported. We are here to help and would love to show you more. You can call us at 330-832-9831 ext. 327 or stop in our Computer Center and setup an appointment to see a demonstration.